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23 June 2021

Where to start when renovating your kitchen

You just signed the contract to have your kitchen professionally refaced and would like to know the order in which the various jobs should be done. For example, do we start by installing the kitchen’s new floor? When should the electrician and plumber be involved? To help you plan your kitchen renovation, we asked Cuisine NewZone’s specialists for advice.


Étape 1)

Installing the new floor and removing the existing backsplash (if necessary)

Ceramic is often used as flooring in the kitchen because it is durable and easy to maintain. In some cases, ceramic tiles are still in excellent condition and their neutral color will match perfectly with your new kitchen cabinets.


Étape 2)

Contacting the electrician and plumber

If you need to add or remove certain electrical outlets, it’s time to call an electrician. From a legal point of view, certain tasks must be handled by professionals. Such is the case for electrical work, which requires the services of an electrician for all types of work such as adding outlets, installing an electrical panel, adding a 120V or 240V electrical system, etc. This is also the case for work involving a gas installation (e.g.: gas stove).

As for the plumber, he will shut off the water supply if necessary and install the new pipes for your new sink and faucet.


Étape 3)

Drywall and paint touch ups

It is now time to fix any defects in your kitchen walls by plastering before painting. To choose a paint color that will match your new kitchen, contact an interior decorator. If they were referred to you by someone you know, even better!

Étape 4)

Tear the old kitchen down and start refacing

First, our refacing specialists will carefully install protective mats to avoid damaging your floors during the process. Equipped with the proper tools, they will remove your old cabinet doors, drawer fronts and moldings. They will also remove any damaged cabinets. Only the cabinets in good condition will remain. You won’t be disappointed with their expertise and efficiency!

After that, new cabinet doors will be installed as well as new cabinets (if necessary). For this step, only 1 to 3 days will be necessary to witness the transformation of your kitchen right before your very eyes. A well-trained team of experts makes all the difference! Your countertops will no longer be in place, but in order for you to be able to cook, you can request that plywood panels be temporarily installed.


Étape 5)

Measuring the area for your new countertops

If you elected to go for a quartz countertop, laser measurements of your countertop will be taken. Using a laser, it is possible to scan the surface of your countertop, factoring in the imperfections of the wall against which it will rest. Sinks and faucets must be in place when the measurements are taken because they need to be incorporated into the final plan.

Étape 6)

Installing the new countertop

You’ve been looking forward to this step because it means your kitchen renovation project is almost completed. Now you get to see what the final result will look like. Since the measurements of your quartz countertop were taken using a laser, it will fit perfectly with the cabinets of your new kitchen.

Étape 7)

Contacting the plumber

The plumber will finalize the faucets, sinks and dishwasher installation (if necessary).

Étape 8)

Installing the backsplash

The main purpose of a kitchen backsplash is to protect walls from spills. But let’s face it, for most of us it’s also a feature that will give our new kitchen that unique personality. Have a look at our favorite backsplash looks that are sure to inspire you for your new kitchen!!


Once renovations are completed, your Cuisine NewZone Specialist will ensure that the required work was properly executed.


Using a turnkey service for your kitchen renovations will make your life much easier because the refacing specialists will support and guide you through all these steps. Moreover, by entrusting the refacing of your kitchen to professionals, you can rest assured that the final result will meet your expectations. If you wish to discuss your kitchen renovation project, do not hesitate to ask for advice from Cuisine NewZone’s refacing specialists.


Cuisine NewZone is a local company, and our team of experts is located in different regions across Quebec. For a free quote, you can fill out an online form at or call us at 1 855 595-0505.


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Our skilled kitchen specialists will present you a wide range of models and colours in the comfort of your home! For a free consultation or for more information, please call our toll free number at 1-855-595-0505 or fill out our online quote request form.

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